Looking for the perfect white smile? Got a job interview, wedding, holiday coming up or a date? Looking for a brighter smile to give you back your confidence?

Cosmetic Whitening offers the best teeth-whitening products available in Australia today. Our Professional Teeth Whitening system produces maximum results in less than one hour. It works by using a laser accelerator lamp to activate the whitening gel which rapidly oxidizes the pigment of the teeth removing discolouration. The result is an improvement of five to fourteen shades on untreated teeth in just one treatment session.


What are Tooth Gems

Tooth gems are tiny crystals stuck onto your tooth with a special non-toxic adhesive. They brighten up your smile and look fantastic.

How long do Tooth Gems take to apply

Tooth gems take about 5-10mins to apply then a further 60 minutes to fully set.


  • No eating or drinking for 60 mins

  • No licking the jewel for 60 mins

  • Do not pick at the jewel as it will loosen the jewel from your tooth